I try to post some interesting "any stuff" which I call "etc..." and QUITE SIMPLE physics
Sunday, December 20, 2009
AstroPhysics: La profesora del millón de dólares
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Read 99 more reasons at this page link ( above )
Friday, December 11, 2009
E=mc2 is Wrong – Einstein’s “Special Relativity” Fundamentally Flawed
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Brain Stimulation with Infrared Light
Friday, December 4, 2009
Synthetic magnetism achieved by optical methods: Technique enables unprecedented insights
synthetic magnetism, an exotic condition in which neutral atoms suddenly begin to behave as if they were charged particles interacting with a magnetic field -- even though no such field is present and the atoms have no charge. The achievement provides unprecedented insights into fundamental physics and the behavior of quantum objects, and opens up entirely new ways to study the nature of condensed-matter systems that were barely imaginable before.
Friday, November 13, 2009
The Dark Attractor: What's Pulling the Milky Way Towards It at 14-Million MPH?
Friday, October 30, 2009
EconoPhysics (On offer: laws of nature)
they hope to uncover how individual actions give rise to the emergent, large-scale phenomena that have sweeping effects
—the booms and busts that take us by surprise.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Preserving the past for the future; Grant aids archival work at Institute. (Old Einstein pictures)
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Stephen Wolfram: The Man Who Cracked The Code to Everything ...
String theory pioneer succeeds Hawking in Lucasian role
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Richard Dawkins: The world's most famous atheist
Richard Dawkins home page
Douglas Eadline, Ph.D.: The Return of the Vector Processor
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
There has been no increase in solar irradiance since at least 1978
no increase in solar irradiance since around 1940
This reconstruction does show an increase in the first part of the 20th century, which coincides with the warming from around 1900 until the 1940s. It's not enough to explain all the warming from those years, but it is responsible for a large portion. See this chart of observed temperature, modelled temperature, and variations in the major forcings that contributed to 20th century climate.Historical Physicist Smackdown Explained: Electric Theory
Deconstructing the electron
( free )
Superheavy Element 114 Finally Re-created
Friday, September 25, 2009
Pedagogía by Andrés Ibáñez
no sólo es necesario saber de algo, sino que también es necesario saber enseñarlo. Este principio o axioma casi místico se basa, como el amable lector habrá visto enseguida, en una presuposición no menos axial y mística, y no menos falaz que la anterior: A saber, que todos aquellos que no son pedagogos, no son ni pueden ser nunca buenos profesores.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Michelson–Morley experiment is best yet
confirming that the speed of light is the same in all directions
The experiment, which involves rotating two optical cavities, is about 10 times more precise than previous experiments – and a hundred million times more precise than Michelson and Morley's 1887 measurement.Thursday, September 17, 2009
U of S helps discover new family of superconductors
First Solid Evidence for a Rocky Exoplanet
Mass and density of smallest exoplanet finally measured.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
First images of a carbon atom's electron clouds
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The $150 Space Camera: MIT Students Beat NASA On Beer-Money Budget
Sunday, September 13, 2009
video – more than just a tag
Starting with Firefox 3.5, you can embed a video in a web page like an image.
This means video is now a part of the document, and finally, a first class citizen of the Open Web. Like all other elements, you can use it with CSS and JavaScript. Let’s see what this all means …Saturday, September 12, 2009
Juan Aréchaga: Las revistas científicas españolas y el fraude bibliométrico
Son muchos los problemas que continúan teniendo nuestras publicaciones para competir internacionalmente
, dice el autor.
Friday, September 11, 2009
The uncalculability of electron systems
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Physicist Proposes Solution to Arrow-of-Time Paradox
The laws of physics, which describe everything from electricity to moving objects to energy conservation, are time-invariant. That is, the laws still hold if time is reversed. However, this time reversal symmetry is in direct contrast with everyday phenomena, where it’s obvious that time moves forward and not backward .
IBM eyes molecule 'anatomy' for future computers
IBM scientists have imaged the chemical structure of an individual molecule, increasing the possibility for creating electronic building blocks on the atomic and molecular scale.
Schoolgirl 'wanted to lose virginity before Large Hadron Collider caused end of world'
Thursday, September 3, 2009
El agujero negro más lejano tiene una galaxia enorme a su alrededor
El agujero negro más lejano que se conoce, un objeto supermasivo situado a 12.800 millones de años luz de la Tierra, tiene alrededor una galaxia tan grande como nuestra Vía Láctea, algo sorprendente en el universo primitivo tan joven ( sólo 840 millones de años después del Big Bang ), dicen los científicos. La galaxia y el agujero negro, que tiene al menos mil millones de veces más materia que el Sol, debieron formarse muy rápidamente en el cosmos primitivo
, dice Tomotsugu Goto ( Universidad de Hawai ), líder de esta investigación, en la que participan, además, cuatro astrofísicos de instituciones japonesas. De hecho, las observaciones se realizaron en agosto del año pasado con el gran telescopio nipón Subaru, ubicado en el observatorio de Mauna Kea ( Hawai ), sobre todo para probar un nuevo sensor ( CCD ) avanzado instalado en una de sus cámaras.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Rafael Cadenas agradece Premio FIL de Literatura
El poeta venezolano recibirá el reconocimiento dotado con 150 mil dólares que busca destacar al autor que haya aportado una valiosa obra de creación, en cualquier género literario |
Cadenas, quien recibirá el galardón dotado con 150 mil dólares en el marco de la Feria Internacional del Libro de Guadalajara, el 28 de noviembre próximo, manifestó que tiene muchas cosas que agradecerle a México y dijo estar muy contento con el Premio.
Autor de una obra marcada por una continua meditación sobre la relación entre ética, lenguaje y poesía, el escritor sudamericano nacido en Barquisimeto en 1930, aseguró en entrevista, desde Caracas, que lo que brota ahora en mí es la palabra gracias
Cadenas también habló de su relación con México y sus autores y recordó que su obra completa está publicada en el Fondo de Cultura Económica, que este día se sumó a las felicitaciones para este autor.
El acta del jurado, que fue leída por Gustavo Guerrero, destacó a Cadenas como una de las voces más reconocidas de la poesía latinoamericana contemporánea
Señaló que su obra encarna hoy para los más jóvenes el horizonte de una palabra que se aleja del lirismo tradicional y trae consigo el imperativo de darle voz a aquello que, de otro modo, ya no encuentra espacios para decirse en nuestra época
Dotado con 150 mil dólares y convocado por la Asociación Civil del Premio de Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe Juan Rulfo, el Premio FIL de Literatura en Lenguas Romances busca reconocer a un escritor que haya aportado una valiosa obra de creación, en cualquier género literario.
Monday, August 31, 2009
AAAI Fall Symposium - Nov. 5 - 7, 2009 - Arlington, VA
Complex Adaptive Systems and the Threshold Effect: Views from the Natural and Social Sciences
Most interesting phenomena in natural and social systems include constant transitions and oscillations among their various phases. Wars, companies, societies, markets, and humans rarely stay in a stable, predictable state for long. Randomness, power laws, and human behavior ensure that the future is both unknown and challenging. How do events unfold ? When do they take hold ? Why do some initial events cause an avalanche while others do not ? What characterizes these events ? What are the thresholds that differentiate a sea change from a non-event ?
Complex Adaptive Systems have proven to be a powerful tool for exploring these and other related phenomena. We characterize a general CAS model as having a large number of self-similar agents that:
- utilize one or more levels of feedback;
- exhibit emergent properties and self-organization; and
- produce non-linear dynamic behavior.
Advances in modeling and computing technology have led not only to a deeper understanding of complex systems in many areas, but they have also raised the possibility that similar fundamental principles may be at work across these systems, even though the underlying principles may manifest themselves differently.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Econophysicist Predicts Date of Chinese Stock Market Collapse
The Shanghai Composite Index was supposed to burst before July 27 but didn't. A few days after that deadline, however, it dropped by 20 percent. Coincidence ?.
Last month, we looked at a prediction that the Shanghai Composite stock market index was about to crash. The forecast was made by a team lead by the econophysicist Didier Sornette at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, who has made a study of economic bubbles and how they burst. His thinking is that bubbles are the result of some kind of feedback mechanism that creates faster-than-exponential growth. This kind of growth rate is straightforward to measure, and so bubbles should be easy to identify. In July, he and his buddies pointed out that the Shanghai Composite stock market index was following exactly this kind of trend. But they also made an extraordinary prediction. They said that this bubble would burst between July 17 and 27.
IBM looks to DNA to sustain Moore's Law
The cost involved in shrinking (chip) features to improve performance is a limiting factor in keeping pace with Moore's Law and a concern across the semiconductor industry,said Spike Narayan, a manager in the Science & Technology division of IBM Research, in a statement. Moore's Law, named after Intel co-founder Gordon Moore, states that the number of transistors that can be placed on an integrated circuit doubles roughly every two years. For more than four decades, chip manufacturers have been able to consistently shrink chip geometries, allowing Moore's Law to remain on track.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
A coincidence of errors: Critical exponent for the quantum Hall transition
Like any phase transition, the change of the Hall conductance between quantized values ( as the electrons are moved between Landau levels by an external voltage or magnetic field ) can be described by a critical exponent, ν. Both numerical calculations and experiment agree fairly well about the value of ν.
But as Keith Slevin at Osaka University and Tomi Ohtsuki at Sophia University, both in Japan, argue in a Rapid Communication appearing in Physical Review B, this may be because of a coincidence of errors. Namely, numerical calculations have so far ignored Coulomb interactions between electrons, which should in fact be important, while the experimentally measured value of ν is based on approximations.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Quarks, gluons and corroborating E = mc2
Escuela Franco-Venezolana de Nanotecnología 2009 ( ENANO2009 ) del 2 al 6 de noviembre de 2009 en Caracas y Choroní, Venezuela
- Programa de Cooperación de Postgraduados ( PCP )
- Embajada de Francia en Caracas
- Fundación IDEA
- Academia de Ciencias Físicas, Matemáticas y Naturales
- Universidad Central de Venezuela
Para el primer día del evento ( 2/11/09 ) se ha programado una jornada en la Fundación IDEA ( Caracas, Venezuela ) en la cual varios investigadores presentarán los desarrollos obtenidos fruto de la cooperación franco-venezolana en nanociencia y nanotecnología, gracias al apoyo de las herramientas de cooperación científica entre estos dos países.
El Comité Organizador de la ENANO2009 también ha programado sesiones de cursos, charlas y carteles del 3 al 6 de noviembre de 2009. Esta segunda parte de la Escuela tendrá lugar en Choroní, Edo. Aragua. Las sesiones van dirigidas a estudiantes e investigadores sensibles al desarrollo de estos conocimientos en Venezuela.
Se programarán además mesas de trabajo sobre aspectos asociados al programa de doctorado interinstitucional de nanotecnología que la Red se encuentra promoviendo, la cooperación nacional e internacional en actividades de I+D+i dirigidas a atender los problemas de interés nacional, la definición de mecanismos que faciliten la comunicación entre el sector científico, productivo y la sociedad en general.
Formalismo de Keldysh (Keldysh Technique)
See the original Keldysh's papers:
- L. V. Keldysh, ZhEFT 47, 1515 (1964)
- L. V. Keldysh, Soviet Physics JEPT 20, 1018 (1965)
Drop in world temperatures fuels global warming debate
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
DNA Evidence Can Be Fabricated, Scientists Show
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Organic food is no healthier, study finds
Geologist Ian Plimer: Global warming is the new religion of First World urban elites
So global warming, says Plimer, is something humans should welcome and embrace as a harbinger of good times to come.
Friday, July 17, 2009
World's tiniest lamp spans quantum and classical physics
Memristor minds: The future of artificial intelligence
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Humor In The Workplace
The Contractor shall conduct two, 3-hour, Humor in the Workplace programs...
Sunday, July 12, 2009
A Brief Outline of the Development of the Theory of Relativity By Prof. A. Einstein
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Electrons in graphene: an interacting fluid par excellence
masslessfermions, though with a velocity of about 300 times less than the velocity of light. The linear dispersion relation also implies a vanishing density of single-particle states at the Fermi level, which should make the effects of the Coulomb interaction between electrons weak.