One Twitterer, BradBrownDotCom, joked: "The Google outage frightened me like a schoolgirl, until I remembered an old technology called 'Yahoo'".
See how Yahoo reported this newI try to post some interesting "any stuff" which I call "etc..." and QUITE SIMPLE physics
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Millions hit by Google 'breakdown'
Friday, January 30, 2009
I just yelled to say 'I love you'
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Rocío Marquez
Rocío Márquez, the new queen of mining cante, was born in Huelva (Andalusia) 22 years ago, she studied flamenco at the Fundación Cristina Heeren and Musical Education at the Universidad de Sevilla. She is the proud winner of different awards for her flamenco interpretations. Last year she won the Fosforito award in Calasparra and this year she received the Ciudad de Jumilla award...See Video
Fundación Thomas Merle
La Casa del Cable (Wire House)
Quantum dreamin and optical illusions
“Is Google Making Us Stupid?” (Britannica Forum: Your Brain Online)
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Nicholas Carr: All Hail the Information Triumvirate! (The Web, Google, and Wikipedia)
Napping: the expert's guide
How a Surfer Dude Stunned the World of Science With the 'Theory of Everything'
Extraterrestrial Essentials For Life Confirmed
Monday, January 26, 2009
"Star Trek" Creator And Wife To Spend Eternity In Space
Octuplets Born In California (And Baby #8 Was A Surprise!)
Google plans to make PCs history
The Google Drive, or "GDrive", could kill off the desktop computer, which relies on a powerful hard drive. Instead a user's personal files and operating system could be stored on Google's own servers and accessed via the internet.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
New Catfish Species Climbs Rocks
El Bagre
A previously unknown species of climbing catfish has been discovered in remote Venezuela, and its strange traits are shaking the evolutionary tree for these fish. The newfound catfish, Lithogenes wahari, shares traits with two different families of fish — Loricariidae (armored catfishes) and Astroblepidae (climbing catfishes). It has bony armor that protects its head and tail, and a grasping pelvic fin that helps it to climb vertical surfaces such as rocks. These characteristics in L. wahari suggest to ichthyologists Scott Schaefer of the American Museum of Natural History in New York and Francisco Provenzano of the Universidad Central de Venezuela ...Friday, January 23, 2009
Logran medir un análogo clásico del efecto Casimir
¿Qué vio Galileo?
¿Fue la vista?
En opinión de algunos especialistas, los problemas de la vista de Galileo pueden haber contribuido a algunos de los errores en sus observaciones astronómicas. Entre esos errores se cuenta la creencia expresada en trabajos iniciales de que Saturno poseía dos satélites naturales y no era perfectamente redondo. Read more...Thursday, January 22, 2009
Carlo Beenakker: Physics of the Domino Effect
Domino Effect
Carlo Beenakker
Hans van Leeuwen
van Leeuwen arXiv
'El chip prodigioso' se hace realidad
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Inside the Savant Mind: Tips for Thinking from an Extraordinary Thinker
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
The Transistor
Shockley, Bardeen and Brattain, the men behind the transistor, were awarded the 1956 Nobel Prize in Physics. Today, transistors are found in virtually every electronic device. Play a Game
Alirio Diaz
Alirio Díaz nace en una familia musical, de orígenes modestos, y es el octavo de once hermanos. Con dieciséis años se muda a Carora donde concluye sus estudios primarios. Luego se muda a Trujillo donde aprende a tocar el saxofón y el clarinete, y entra a trabajar en la banda municipal que dirigía Laudelino Mejías, lo cual le permite estudiar la guitarra, y aprender el inglés y la tipografía. Con estas habilidades se muda a Caracas en 1945, donde estudia en la Escuela Superior de Música José Ángel Lamas, bajo la tutela de Raúl Borges.
Viaja a España en 1950 con una beca del gobierno venezolano y allí estudia en el Conservatorio de Madrid con Regino Sainz de la Maza. Un año después viaja a Siena, donde Andrés Segovia dictaba un curso de guitarra. Gracias a su excelente técnica y dedicación en tan sólo tres años se convierte en asistente y luego sustituto en los cursos de guitarra del maestro Segovia. A partir de ese momento inició sus actividades como concertista por toda Europa y el mundo.
Read more... en WikipediaSueldos
Gell-Mann Murray: What Is Complexity?
What is complexity? A great many quantities have been proposed as measures of something like complexity. In fact, a variety of different measures would be required to capture all our intuitive ideas about what is meant by complexity and by its opposite, simplicity.